Monday, November 13, 2006

Thank you

... to everyone who commented.
It was illuminating to sift through the advice, and I truly appreciate it. However, I seem to have installed a wicked program which does not allow me to post back to your blogs, or it might be that I have buried forever the passwords and userwords which I randomly entered and promptly forgot.
Let's see if I have this straight. I need to;
Post more pictures/ fewer pictures. Better pictures. People shots.
Change the subject matter to include politics. Fashion. Pets. Scrapbooking?
Dumb name. Cute name. Change the name.
Font too small, screen too black.
Postings not informative about the world. All over the place. Crap blog. Read my blog.

The irony is that with the exception of the gentleman who has his sister tied up in the toolshed, you're all right.